Friday, 21 August 2009

Folktales – A Good Grandmother

The recent and continual earth tremors make me anxious about my parents. They live in the central part of Japan, the area which has been predicted to be the next epicentre – in a house full of books.

As a child, I preferred foreign fairytales to Japanese folktales but my father’s bed time stories were always the latter. Stories consisted of farmers and animals, with the occasional entrance of affable giants or long-snouted goblins, but they still appeared in ordinary village settings.

Common characters included two sets of old farmer couples – good and bad grandfathers and grandmothers. A good couple is always poor but happy and kind to others. There is never enough food in the household, but whenever they find animals starving, they happily share the last food left in their wretched abode. In return, animals offer two types of gifts – one is visibly larger than the other. A good grandfather chooses a smaller box without a moment’s hesitation because it is sufficient for their needs. The gift subsequently makes the couple the wealthiest in the village and they live happily ever after.

A bad couple hears the rumour, forces animals to eat and then demands a similar gift in return. The bad grandfather chooses the larger box without realising that it will later bring misfortune and destroy their lives completely.

Every time I heard a similar plot, my eyes widened and I could no longer sleep peacefully. Would I share my food with animals? Would I choose a small box? I could not be certain how I would behave if I were in that situation. My father should have read the stories about princesses and knights in faraway lands instead.

In real life farming practice, you soon realise ‘goodness’ with a humble and caring attitude is an important factor in order to be a cooperative member of a local farming community. You share the land borders, roads, water, animals, machines and labour, so the existence of a tangible common morality is somewhat a necessity. Be honest, generous, level, and suppress greed, so that something good may come to you when you are least expecting it.

Tsukushi farm is supported by such great neighbouring grandfathers and grandmothers who own property which is now too large for their needs. They gently watch over how we develop the field, in a manner which must appear contrary to the way they have striven under governmental reforms for the past five decades – leaving overgrown grass, not using technology or chemicals, and producing very small crops which do not meet existing market standards. With smiles on their faces, they kindly tell us that they will simply look forward to seeing fertile soil with a rich harvest and heavily laden fruit trees resplendent in front of them.

A good grandmother. One day, I may be able to choose a small box without a second’s thought.

昔話 -良いおばあさん









Thursday, 13 August 2009

70 Kilometers

My garden is located in Tsukuba city where I spent 4 enjoyable years at University. Arriving in Tokyo at that time was a special event since there was no direct train from Tsukuba. After the opening of the Tsukuba Express Line, the city is now within commuting distance for anyone working in Tokyo.

I live in Kitasenju (North-East Tokyo) so door-to-garden is 50-60 minutes including a short bus ride from Tsukuba station, which is similar to the time I used to spend in my daily commute to Shinjuku (West Tokyo, business district). When you repeat the same action, it becomes an automatic routine. Standing in queues at the same time at the same spot – the same scenery is passed by without being noticed – dozing off for a while and waking up just before the intended station stop.

Senju was one of the four posting stations located just outside old Edo. Several main roads stretched out Northward, and one of them was called the Mito Thoroughfare, nowadays known as National Road Number Six. In the Edo period, people walked from Nihonbashi to Mito, roughly 115 kilometers in distance, in a few days. There are still historic remains to be observed on this road. Tsukuba City is en route so I decided to ride my bike to the garden for the first time – 70 kilometers.

My original plan was to depart before dawn at 4 am following an Edo custom, but this could not be fulfilled due to an unintended heavy drinking session the night before with friends. I left home at 6 am. Fortunately, the mild weather with a lower temperature helped. After 2 hours ride, my Edo style tea pavilion in Abiko city was now in fact an American diner. Nonetheless, the coffee saved me. So I continued riding for another 2 hours to the garden. In total, it took 4 hours, shorter than my estimated time.

In the garden, peas, cucumbers, greens, flowers and weeds were swaying in the gentle breeze and looked perfectly unconcerned about my little adventure.







Monday, 10 August 2009

The Goat Has Arrived

Her name is Awako (literally, ‘Millet Child’). She was born in a quadruplet in Nara prefecture as a daughter of Nana-chan the mother and Boss the father, siblings including one kid brother and two kid sisters. She currently lives in Tsukushi Farm in Tsukuba city.

Having driven from Nara to Ibaraki by car for over 10 hours when she was only three months old, Awako now learned how to adjust her body comfortably in moving vehicles. She likes to go to bed by 6pm at the latest and wake up when the sun has risen – her owner sometimes doesn’t let her out from the hut until later, so she patiently waits until his day has begun.

She became a member of Tsukushi Farm with membership fee waived. In exchange, she provides labour work, which comprises clipping (munching) grown grass. She likes being taken for a regular walk, when she zigzags through the streets on her leash, covering three times the distance of her walker. She has a tendency to bump into people’s legs while walking, so a watchful eye is essential.

※ Dear Manager, I hereby claim half custody of Awako.





※ 管理人様  私はここに、粟子の親権/養育権の半分を要求します。

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Battle against Pheasant Attack!

‘Nature’ includes everything around you – the sky, mountains, trees, insects, microorganisms, animals and yourself. Each one of us carries out our usual conduct at our own level in order purely to survive. The relations between each level in the hierarchy can be symbiotic or harmful when we single out and consider specific events. This year, most of us in Tsukushi Farm experienced one such harmful relation – to be specific, a pheasant attack.

I planted soybeans in late May. Round green buds pushed shyly up from the soil and happily faced the sunshine for the first time. Between this moment until proper leaves began to grow, a matter of a mere day or two, our friends the birds stealthily approached the baby sprouts and gobbled all the buds. I reluctantly planted more beans. This time, I instituted strips everywhere at ten centimeters above the soil, so that the birds will not be able to peck the buds so easily. Sadly, all gone within a week.

When more than ten people suffered the same damage at the ravaging beaks of the insolent birds, the farm manager finally raised his concern. By not preventing the pheasant attack, our farm was becoming their feeding place. Joyful paradise, an all you can eat bean buffet restaurant, which is not at all natural.

My countermeasure was to put up a hemp cloth around the furrow. Pheasants usually approach by walking, not by flying, but in case they tried to dive from above, I spread the strips over the top. Mission accomplished. Both my soybeans and adzuki beans were now protected from the aggressive pheasant onslaught.

Some other members put out mesh to cover the entire ridge, and one day someone found a half dead baby pheasant trapped in it. She rescued the bird from the net, with remorse. We’re unsure whether it survived when we freed it. For the majority of us, growing vegetables is just a hobby. Is it really necessarily to risk other animal lives?

Producing food is a serious matter for all living things so we should approach with an earnest and responsive attitude. Nature is not always a gentle and beautiful harmony. Farmers in Japan are constantly battling against birds, boar, deer, monkeys and raccoons.

Is it really necessarily to risk other animal lives?

I know my answer.










Monday, 3 August 2009

Play It by Ear

The level of Japanese customer service is known to be one of the highest in the world. You can experience it at hotel receptions, banks, railway stations, department stores and many other places. When the level of service exceeds requirements, however, it starts irritating you. At larger chain shops such as McDonalds, every greeting word is uttered as if from a manual. For instance, I order “one black hot coffee”. The shop assistant asks “Would you like it iced or hot?”. “…Hot coffee please.” “Would you like some milk or sugar?”. “…No thanks.”

Implementing clear manuals or rules can appear to expedite results and guarantee success. Organisations with resolute policies and systems establish strong market position and share in their respective fields. People believe that knowing more rules which can be applied more universally is the best approach, thereby blindly seeking to implement ever more. But without realising, this narrows focus to the mere surface, and content is forgotten.

In the agricultural world, the same behaviour can be observed in daily practice. Farmers tend to follow published manuals in order to avoid potential risks. This includes the timing of seedlings, the type of manure for particular vegetables, the chemicals used for certain insects and many more. When I started natural farming, I had the same mentality. I automatically sought the best methods and guidance in every action: which weeds to cut, how and when to plant seeds, how deep to dig when planting a seed potato and so on. I was not paying attention to the conditions of the soil or making the effort to see and respond to the workings of nature right in front of me.

This tendency may be the result of modern Japanese education. This may not apply in every case, but generally education quality is still assessed by the results of university entries, and university entry examinations place more emphasis on assessing knowledge rather than cognitive thinking. We had to work so hard cramming factual knowledge in our heads throughout our schooling .

For me, natural farming has gradually erased this habit and mind set. You soon realise that there are no golden rules when dealing with nature. You must attune the body senses, sharpen your awareness of climate, monitor carefully the millions of activities happening above and beneath the ground, and most importantly, think. You must make spontaneous judgment based on your observation and react immediately. Nature is full of unexpected wonders and you are constantly challenged.

What fun – forget about rules and play it by ear!







