Her name is Awako (literally, ‘Millet Child’). She was born in a quadruplet in Nara prefecture as a daughter of Nana-chan the mother and Boss the father, siblings including one kid brother and two kid sisters. She currently lives in Tsukushi Farm in Tsukuba city.
Having driven from Nara to Ibaraki by car for over 10 hours when she was only three months old, Awako now learned how to adjust her body comfortably in moving vehicles. She likes to go to bed by 6pm at the latest and wake up when the sun has risen – her owner sometimes doesn’t let her out from the hut until later, so she patiently waits until his day has begun.
She became a member of Tsukushi Farm with membership fee waived. In exchange, she provides labour work, which comprises clipping (munching) grown grass. She likes being taken for a regular walk, when she zigzags through the streets on her leash, covering three times the distance of her walker. She has a tendency to bump into people’s legs while walking, so a watchful eye is essential.
※ Dear Manager, I hereby claim half custody of Awako.
※ 管理人様 私はここに、粟子の親権/養育権の半分を要求します。
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