Friday, 30 October 2009

Generation to Generation

The rice harvest time has come. A grain of rice planted in Spring had sunk its roots deep in the ground, grown over twenty shoots throughout the Summer, with each shoot now bearing several hundred grains. By late Autumn, one rice grain had multiplied six to seven hundred fold, and was drooping under the weight of plump rice grains. I carefully cut the shoots, tie them up in a bundle and hang them over the bamboo poles. I do not neglect a single grain in the field.

When harvesting rice, I picture in my mind the scene of three peasant women in Millet’s famous painting ‘The Gleaner’ (1857) . They stoop to glean the last scraps of wheat in the field, and in contrast, there is a large stack of harvested wheat in the background for their landlords. In some areas of France at that time, it was apparently the usual conduct of landlords to leave some grain unharvested. Gleaning was considered the right of peasants who could not sustain their lives purely by everyday labour.

The other day when I was drinking with my friends at a local bar, one of them raised a question, namely, whether genetically modified crops could save the environment. His example was desertification in China, where rapid economic growth drives Chinese people to eat more meat, and in order to satisfy market demand, farmers are shifting to raise livestock such as cows, sheep and goats (no!) rather than growing vegetables. As a result, there is not enough grass or feed for animals and the trend further hastens desertification. I could have argued against his hypothetical question, based on a documentary film I saw recently, and from which I learned about some repercussions of GM products (for more information about the film, please visit the site:

The issue that struck me, however, was the fast growing demand for meat, which can be considered a symbol of wealth and success in that society. The vision of splendid banquet scenes, a wealthy Chinese student I met in Australia who never had eaten green vegetables in his life, the endless rotation of a demand and supply cycle on a massive economic scale – all the images made me dizzy.

For farmers, everything begins with seed. Generation by generation, farmers continue selecting the best seeds suited to the soil and climate in each area, and preserve and develop chosen species. However, commonly distributed F1 hybrid seeds are unstable for reproduction, and modified plant gene sequences are now usually patented, so giant corporations gain control of the seed market, and individual farmers risk losing independence. It is easy to criticise corporations and the way that farmers automatically shift their methods and produce in a knee-jerk fashion, but what alarms me is the way parents and consumers unthinkingly seek comfort and pleasure. Most children naturally enjoy meat instead of vegetables (in fact Awako the goat would completely ignore weeds and guzzle sweet cabbage leaves if given the chance. I am tempted...), but I do not believe that to be a good course for their future development. People’s individual outlooks are not simply formed by the corporate world view and pleasure principle. We should consider the way that, as humans, we take responsibility for future generations.

To return to my friend’s question: rather than reacting to consequences (like desertification) with an instant fix solution (like GM), we need examine causes, otherwise a cycle is locked in place.

After the harvest, I separate 2-3% of grain or seed from the portion to be consumed, until the next planting season comes. The French landlords’ custom of leaving 2-3% of crops in fields generated and sustained peasants’ lives. If every one of us who is not at a risk of starvation spared 2-3% of our time or effort on something or somebody else, it could make a great change in the world. I am not a professional scientist or tradesman who can make a direct impact on current trends. However, as a person striving to work in an educational field at the local level, I would like to gather as much information as possible to pass on to the next generation. Therefore, dear and faithful blog readers, if you can suggest any articles, documentaries, websites and so on that might be of future benefit, your small yet invaluable portion of life can be used to join generation to generation.

A seed bearer   種を運ぶヤギ
Cabbage please 「キャベツちょうだい。」









Monday, 5 October 2009

An Endeavour

One of the attractions of farming practice is the limitless sense of ‘space’. Within your designated area, daylight hours are yours to spend. You wander through various ideas as these arise or pursue and develop topics further. Once the field grows darker and you find that you are left alone in a dim light, however, you suddenly seek company – those with whom you can share your daytime thoughts.

We humans are all thinking creatures living in different environments. It is my aspiration to gather thinking individuals and create a common space to exchange and share thoughts, within a timeframe and away from everyday concerns. Participants can then bring thoughts shared back to their normal routine, and until the next meeting, nurse these thoughts in their everyday life.

This is my endeavour. Anybody who is interested, please come and join the group!


農に従事する魅力の一つは、無限の「場」に自分を置くことができることです。決められた区画の中での、日が沈むまでの限られた時間は、あなただけのものです。次々と 浮かぶアイデアに考えを馳せたり、ひとつの題材をより深く探ったり。けれども、あたり一面が暗くなり、自分がその闇に包まれ始めると、急に人恋しくなった りするものです。こんな時に、今日一日の考えを誰かと分かち合えたら…。

異なる環境に身を置いていても、我々人間はみな考える生き物です。日常のそれぞれの場で各々が考えることを、切り取られた空間ではありますが、多くの人と 語り合う共通の「場」が創り上げられたらというのが願いです。語り合いから生まれた考えを、いつもの自分の生活に持ち帰り、いつもの営みをまた続けてくだ さい。そして次の集まりまで、たくさんの考えを巡らせて下さい。


THINKING Green Grass Group 考える青草の会

What we do:

Deepen your thinking ability and broaden your vision by communicating with other group members through specific activities such as 'listening', 'speaking', 'reading', ‘watching’, ‘sensing’ in both English and Japanese.


Missing opportunities to use English or Japanese in your everyday life? Language use limited to business or academic fields, and seeking more opportunities for discussion in more relaxed environment? Come and join the workshops organised by the ‘THINKING Green Grass Group’ and create a space to develop ideas in both English and Japanese.

Improve language skills and further develop your thinking through facilitated interaction and engagement with other members. Share your developing thoughts – incipient ideas, specific interests, impressions of books/films and many more – in a series of targeted workshops. By listening to and engaging with other people’s ideas, explore deeper into yourself and the way you convey opinions or feelings – and simply enjoy the process itself in a comfortable atmosphere away from the clamour of the city. Delicious lunch provided.

While overseas experience is not essential, applicants are required to have work experience (such as company or self employment, housework, or post-graduate study). All participants attend both the English and Japanese sessions. The group intends to hold workshops on a regular basis in the coming years, but attendees can confirm their intention to participate on a per workshop basis.

For more information, please visit →

THINKING Green Grass Group 考える青草の会







詳細は、こちらのブログで →

Saturday, 3 October 2009

My ‘Boom’ – Ironware

I know I's rusting a bit. sigh... ちょっと錆びてますね、、、。うう、、、。

At home, frying pans, kitchen knives and other pans all used to be made of cast-iron.

The family sat around the table and attended thinly sliced beef in the sukiyaki pan. Meats easily burned when the iron plate was heated to its maximum temperature. My parents hurriedly served us cooked beef in each of our bowls, which contained beaten raw egg. I would patiently wait until the vegetables were done, while my siblings enjoyed medium cooked beef dipped in raw egg. I was not overly fond of raw eggs so there were always some beef slices left on the sukiyaki pan for me. My mother threw in plenty of fresh garlands of chrysanthemum leaves followed by leeks, tofu, strings of konnyaku (a gelatinous food made from “devil’s tongue” starch) and various mushrooms. She poured soy sauce in the pan and sprinkled brown sugar over the ingredients. When the juice from the vegetables met the sizzling sauce, it would fill the entire room with a salty-sweet smell.

My father, beer glass in hand, put more sliced beef in the heated sauce on the opposite side of the konnyaku. My mother, sitting next to him, would say, ‘meat and konnyaku should not be next to each other, as my mother (my grandmother) used to say’. I did not understand the reasoning at the time, but nodded obediently.

After the meal, my mother wiped the pan with an old newspaper, washed it with hot water without using detergent, heated it up, oiled it, and placed it back in the cupboard. Sharpening kitchen knives on a whetstone was my father’s favourite job. I loved watching his movements and the dull scraping sound created between an iron blade and a whetstone.

When I left home to study at university, the first item I bought was a non-stick frying pan. Teflon is an amazing invention, I thought. You do not have to stand beside the stove all the time because it does not burn easily. You can use the same pan for stewing vegetables. No need to worry about the rust, and cleaning is as easy as other dishes. Non-stick frying pans became an essential part of my kitchenware over the years.

It was only the last few years I returned to ironware. Now I have a cast iron kettle and frying pan, and a carbon steel knife, and am currently searching online for the best iron wok. You need to bathe the kettle with old green tea leaves every now and then and the knife requires regular attention in order that it not rust away. All the efforts involved in owning ironware, however, are easily outweighed by the benefits - when you taste green tea with mild hot water boiled in a cast iron kettle, experience the consistency of cabbage cut so finely with the carbon steel knife, and flip a fluffy pancake baked on a heated iron pan. They are out of this world.

Back at my parents’ place, my mother is shifting to lighter material utensils because ironware is too heavy for her to lift.

マイブーム - 鉄器






